
Superfighters controls
Superfighters controls

superfighters controls

You can add, copy and remove layers and arrange the order by using the Layers control in the top-right part of the editor.You can also lock and hide specific layers to prevent you from accidentally making changes. Layers is the best way to keep track of overlapping tiles. Note: When saving your map you should consider using a similar fie name to the display name in the map properties. Note: The properties for the map will only show when you have no tile or layer selected. When you're happy with the result give your map a name and type in the author in the properties in the lower right corner.When you want to test your map hit the green play icon on the top menu bar or press F5.Get started building your own map by placing tiles.You can hide the selection highlightning by pressing space.You can see debug information by holding Alt Gr.You can redo actions undone by pressing Ctrl + Y.You can undo actions by pressing Ctrl + Z.You can copy a selection by moving it while holding Ctrl.You can invert the current snap-to-grid mode by holding shift.You can select /deselect multiple tiles of the same type by holding Ctrl and double clicking the middle mouse button and moving the mouse.You can select/deselect multiple tiles by drawing a rectangle with the left mouse button.You can right-click on a selected tile to open a sontext menu with actions like rotate, cut, copy, move to front or back.You can zoom the camera with the mouse wheel.You can move the camera with middle mouse button or the WASD keys.Unknown bugs can cause loss of data so remember to save frequently!.Maps you create during the Pre-Alpha may not be playable or editable in future versions of the game.sfdm file online, since you cannot currently share maps in the game. To let other players host with your map, however, they need to have it installed on their machine.

superfighters controls

  • If you host a multiplayer game with your map, anyone will be able to join and play without downloading the map.
  • In order for a map to work properly, you should place at least eight 'SpawnPlayer' markers or some players will spawn at the same position.
  • Placing tiles and objects is simple drag the tile you want into the world from the list on the right.
  • It's recommended that the border area encapsulates the entire playable area, however you will need to make sure all the tiles placed on the map, either reach or exceed the Camera area borders. The border area is defined by a green box (default) and the camera area is defined by a white box (default). As a result, the camera area usually exceeds the actual length of the border area. The border will encapsulate everything within a static frame, while the camera area would allow the camera to dynamically move to view action within a smaller frame. Previously separate entities, the border and camera area have been combined to work in a set ratio. The Map Bottom is located at the bottom right of the window, you can change its value (it is to be -320), but you can not delete it. Map bottom, is a yellow line that one can see in the Map Editor, it limits the field, if you cross that line or if a dynamic object crosses this line, the object or the player disappears / dies.

    superfighters controls

    You can also remove the grid in the bar that is at the top of the window. The grid is used to help you, the more you enlarge the grid unless you are accurate and shrink your grid more accurate you are, the grid is at the top of the window (advice: let the grid to 8 because it is adapted to the shape of objects). To name your map, you have to go down to the right and write the name of your map (the name must be coherent with your map).Do not forget to put your username to author, to who create the map.

    superfighters controls

    ]) within Map Editor require no advanced programming knowledge, for example if you wanted to add a concrete slab, you can either manually scroll through the list to find the concrete slab you want, or type "concrete" in the search bar right above the object listing and simply drag the property from the list onto the open space, you would simply find the desired item and drag it onto the grid. The SFD map editor is a basic program in which players can design maps with various instances found in all of the current included maps in Superfighters Deluxthe sfd map

    Superfighters controls